Twelve Moments in Anime No. 10: Hinagiku Belts Out a Showstopper

There are many qualifications for a memorable moment: It can be exciting, dramatic, touching or whatever. (Or perhaps all of them at once.) This moment, from ep12 of Hayate no Gotoku‘s second season, is memorable to me because it is simply pure, unadulterated awesome.

The set-up is Hayate through and through: Hinagiku’s friends have thrown her a surprise birthday party and goaded her onstage to sing “Cruel Angel’s Thesis”. This scene is paired with a scene showing Hayate running — complete with embarrassing costume — to save Nagi, who he hears has been kidnapped. Moments like this are about as dramatic as Hayate no Gotoku!! gets, but really, I just love the show busting out the epic Evangelion homage. How could you not love Hinagiku forever after that?

Now that would have been a hell of a concert to attend. I had a tough time finding a YouTube video of this scene — the one I’ve got is the best quality one I could find. The episode as a whole is worth watching for this moment (and Hayate no Gotoku is quality comedy in general for those who haven’t seen it), but here’s the scene, anyway:

4 Responses to “Twelve Moments in Anime No. 10: Hinagiku Belts Out a Showstopper”

  1. Ah, another scene I fondly remember. I really enjoyed Hayate season 2 because of good character-centered scenes like this.

  2. […] made me feel all warm and squishy inside. Be sure to check out animemiz’s scribbling’s and Unmei Kaihen and Eternal’s blogs for more 12 Days posts and there are plenty of other ones out there as […]

  3. Ah, there were so many fantastic Hina moments this season. It’s funny, I’d been thinking of this song for the past couple days, and it randomly played when I set my iPod on shuffle. I’m saving her for higher on my list though. 😉

    • Haha, my moments aren’t in any particular order. I just write about whatever I want to write about that day, although there is a particular moment I am saving for last. This post almost ended up being about something completely different, but I changed it at the last second.

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