Kimi ni Todoke – 17

Man, just think of all the Ryu x Pedro fanfics that will pop up as a result of this episode . . .

Not a bad slowdown episode (is it possible for an anime paced like this have a “slowdown” episode??) after the drama of the Kurumi Gangsta arc, similar to the episode after the rumors arc. Maybe the only really disappointing thing about this episode (well, aside from the continued Sawako x Kazehaya teasing) is the severe lack of Kurumi. Not that I expected her to be in an episode about hanging out at Sawako’s house, but they couldn’t have randomly happened upon her on the streets and engaged in a staredown, or something? Throw me a bone here!

My favorite part of the episode is how the series gracefully implies that Pin goes home for a night of jacking off and drinking after bumping into Sawako at the movie rental store. That’s the filthiest thing that’s happened in the series so far, isn’t it? Like Kabitzin, I shudder to think what everyone had to clean up while at Pin’s apartment. At the very least, his laundry had to have been pretty gross. That, or he had a mountain of tissues. Maybe I should get off (lol) this subject while I still can . . .

Anyway, things are so bad between Sawako and Kazehaya that even a doofus like Pin is able to dole out romantic advice that comes close to working. If only anime characters wouldn’t become mortified at the slightest hint of physical contact. Also, is it just me, or does Kazehaya sound sort of threatening during his whole, “Don’t blame me if I do something next time! There’s no telling what I’ll do!” spiel? OK, buddy! If you say so! Maybe Sawako should have the police on speed dial just in case.

My next favorite part of this episode is seeing how hilariously old fashioned Sawako’s dad is. Yoshida is just a bit forward, and Yano just has a few earrings. Ooh, scary! You’d have to have Mike Tyson’s facial tattoo and a shitload of nose and lip rings — maybe a nipple ring or two as well — to get that kind of reaction here. What’s better, though, is that Yoshida wins him over by cheerily doing the dishes. Guess today’s youth isn’t as morally bankrupt as you thought before, huh, Mr. Kuronuma?

It must be pretty easy to win this guy’s trust. If you take out the garbage without asking, he’d probably jump on a grenade for you! Getting parental permission to marry Sawako should be a snap for Kazehaya: All he’ll need to do is scrub the toilets, or something.

Anyway, solid episode, and I am pleased to see that the next episode apparently centers around Yoshida, since she has grown on me a lot lately. It’s kind of fun to find out all these random things about her: She will kick your ass at sports, she loves doing dishes and ghost stories scare the crap out of her. (That’s come up before, hasn’t it?) Yoshida better move quick if she wants some of that sweet, sweet Ryu lovin’, because Pedro Martinez is grabbing hold of Ryu! He’s got a wicked fastball, a devastating curveball and he loves belly rubs. That’s right in Ryu’s wheelhouse. Can Yoshida stack up to that?

2 Responses to “Kimi ni Todoke – 17”

  1. Also, is it just me, or does Kazehaya sound sort of threatening during his whole, “Don’t blame me if I do something next time! There’s no telling what I’ll do!” spiel?

    Ah, yes! I thought the exact same thing.

    This might have been a “slow” episode, but romance-wise, more happened here than has happened for a lot of the series so far. I guess patience is the key while watching these two since the extreme bashfulness at even the slightest possibility of intimacy is probably gonna keep the romance from going anywhere for a while yet. But, maybe this anime is turning a corner. I haven’t been a massive fan of it for a while, since I started getting frustrated with the main characters around the start of the Kurumi arc, but I liked this episode and I’ve liked two out of the last three episodes (don’t know what they were thinking with that filler… ‘sif we needed it).

  2. Man, just think of all the Ryu x Pedro fanfics that will pop up as a result of this episode . . .

    Ryu: I swear I thought Maru was 18 in dog years!
    Shota: [disapproving head shake]

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