Kimi ni Todoke 34 – Joe Is a Fucking Idiot

If you’re like me and thinking of dinosaurs every time you look at these characters, then you probably hoped Kazehaya would suddenly spring up, whip out his toe claw and rip open Joe’s throat. I think Kazehaya is a dorky little wad of bland, but if he would have done that, then he would have my support for life.

Anyway, what, things HAPPEN in this episode?! Are we sure this is still Kimi ni Todoke? At least, things start to happen before Joe comes in and fucks everything up like he has ever since he toppled out of his mom’s gaping womb. Has Joe ever contributed anything of worth to anyone in his life? I doubt it. All he does is fail miserably and wander around waiting to start his next retard apocalypse. At least Pin inadvertently made Sawako feel better after crying. Joe delayed Sawako and Kazehaya getting their freak on for yet another episode. Way to go, fuckshit!

Getting away from subjects that have nothing to do with chopping Joe into little pieces, our little confession is a go, and of course it’s reciprocated, although Sawako being Sawako she of course thinks she totally failed. Kazehaya hugged you for like five minutes afterward; do you really need a god damn diagram?! Also, she told Kazehaya just 10 percent of her feelings? Holy shit, Sawako is totally going to be a smothering girlfriend. Maybe Kazehaya should think this over for a few moments before plunging head on into a relationship.

I kid, I kid. Seriously, though, hold back a bit, Sawako. You don’t want to scare the poor guy away.

Serious business for reals, I did like the whole confession scene. An appropriate amount of silence during most of the actual confession, then the music kicks in and I thought it nailed the emotion pretty well. So at least the music is able to handle proper timing. If you’re going to build so much to the confession scene, then you should at least nail it pretty damn well, and Kimi ni Todoke does a damn good job with it. I have to give the series that much credit at the very least.

I also wonder what the hell Pin gave Sawako. I guess it’s some sort of bribe to judges of the costume contest, or whatever the hell they’re having that I totally forgot about despite watching this episode not even 30 minutes ago. If this were a series that wasn’t afraid of having its characters do anything more than hugging or holding hands, I would swear that Pin gave Sawako LSD or date rape drugs or something. But Pin can’t be quite that big of an asshole, and I’m only qualified to think of horrible things to be carrying in that bag, so I don’t know what he’s up to. Whatever!

Go fucking die, Joe. Nobody loves you.

6 Responses to “Kimi ni Todoke 34 – Joe Is a Fucking Idiot”

  1. The reason I can’t watch this show (I dropped the first season after 6 or so episodes) is that things don’t seem to have advanced since about episode 2. Maybe I have enough insecurity and pointless inner monologues running through my OWN mind, that I simply don’t need an extra injection of awkward.

    • ThatFuckingNinja Says:

      I can actually relate to that. When I started to watch, it annoyed the hell out of me. But since people said that it was good i forced myself to watch and it actually became pretty good after around 8 episodes. I suggest you pick it up again.

    • I like the first season more than this one because there’s actually more going on than Sawako and Kazehaya. It’s not GREAT, mind (I gave it a 7/10), but it’s good. At the same time, I don’t know if it’s good enough for you to watch despite your hesitation.

  2. Despite Joe’s messing things up, the scene was still full of kyaaa~
    Still, yea, Joe is an effing idiot.

  3. I lovve him !!

  4. Michael Says:

    I second that. The moment Joe entered that room, I executed the biggest facepalm I’ve ever done whilst saying “Joe you fucking idiot” under my breath.

    I fucking hate him.

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