Anime Expo 2011 Meet-Up Plans

Now that Anime Expo has finally put out daily schedules, we can finally do some meet-up planning! I’ve already got something going on the ol’ SCCSAV site, but hopefully this will get the ball rolling even more.

This year I’ll actually be staying at a hotel and going all four days of the convention for the first time, so I’ll have a lot of free time on my hands (when I’m not doing press-related stuff for The Nihon Review, anyway). And with that extra free time, I’ve decided it would be a good idea to try and organize multiple meet-ups. The big problem with scheduling one meet-up is that because everyone has different interests and wants to do different things at different times during the convention, it’s basically impossible to come up with a time that will suit everyone. Poor omo missed out on the meet-up I threw together last year, for instance, because it was at the same time as the Trigun flick.

So, why not try to circumvent the problem by having more than one get together? Hopefully everyone interested will be able to make at least one — and I encourage people to organize their own, if they wish! I’m just tossing ideas into the wind here.

Anyway, I have three initial meet-ups planned: One on Day 0, one on Day 2 and one on Day 3. Since Day 0 is mostly for press folks and those who are traveling in and want to get to their hotels early, and there’s really nothing to do that day aside from registration and the press junket, it seems like a no-brainer to have some sort of meet-up that day. Omo suggested an evening time for a meet-up that day; the second press junket ends at 5:30 p.m., I believe, so that works out just fine. We can probably find somewhere decent to go afterward.

The proposal for Day 2 is the time block between the Kalafina and Mikunopolis concerts from around 6:30 p.m. (depending on when the former concert actually ends, of course) and 8:30 p.m. (give or take some time for people interested in attending the latter concert to hightail it to the Nokia Theatre). Again, we can find somewhere to go when we’re all together, or just hang around and shoot the shit. Personally, I’m not really interested in the Miku concert, so if anyone wants to keep hanging out when that’s going on, I’d be down for that.

On Day 3, we have our friend zzeroparticle running a panel on Yuki Kajiura at 10:30 a.m., and I thought it would be fun if a bunch of us attended. Have to shore up that audience, right? Seriously, though, I’m sure it will be a very interesting panel, and it would be good to show support for a guy who definitely knows his shit. (For those who cannot attend Anime Expo, we’re planning to record the panel, and I assume zzeroparticle will put it on YouTube at some later date.)

So those are the initial thoughts on times and dates. Feel free to peruse the schedules and offer up suggestions on whatever your heart desires. And, of course, there’s one more thing — meet-up spots. For those who attended last year’s meet-up, was the meet-up spot easy to find? Or was it too out of the way? (The meet-up spot was near the empty Starbucks in the West Hall of the convention — not the Starbucks that was actually open and busy!) The biggest problem with finding a good meet-up spot, I’ve found, is that Anime Expo is so enormous and crowded that it’s difficult to find a place where people can immediately find each other. I’m always open to suggestions from fellow con veterans on alternatives, however.

Blah, blah, blah. Whatever the case, we’ll all find each other and have a good ol’ time, I’m sure.

EDIT: By the way, I’m staying at the Westin Bonaventure, where late night karaoke will be held, so if anyone wants to do that at any point during the convention, I’ll be there!

31 Responses to “Anime Expo 2011 Meet-Up Plans”

  1. Oooooh man if I had the money I would so go but all the way on the east coast T__T

    Have fun! Take some pics and enjoy shin πŸ˜€

  2. The Day 2, or even the Day 3, meetup times would be good for me. If not both, I should at least be able to go to one of them. I’m not going to Miku either so I could stay after for the Day 2 meetup.

    I don’t think the meetup spot was too hard to find last year – what would be very helpful is if we held up a sign in bright red letters that said “Blogger meetup here!” or something like that XD (though I assume the Day 3 meetup place will be where zzeroparticle is having his panel).

    Thanks for organizing this! Looking forward to seeing you and others there~

    • Haha, a sign might be a good idea. I’ll see if I can make something on the cheap before I head off to the convention.

      And, yeah, meeting up in the panel room is the plan, of course. πŸ™‚

  3. I’m really hoping the Kalafina effect will leak over to shore up the attendance. That, and I think the location they have me was really huge and can accommodate quite a few folks (150+ maybe?).

    But yeah, all the times named work just fine for me. Meeting spot last year also worked since it was fairly sparse, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find that group of ultra-hardcore nerds that look lost and out of place near the closed Starbucks.

    Can’t believe we’re only a little over two weeks away…

  4. What? Yuki Kajiura panel? I am so th—wait, it’s going to uploaded to YouTube? Never mind.

  5. I don’t remember why I missed the meet up last year. I didn’t even go see Trigun. Last year, though, my schedule was jam packed from 8am to 8pm every day, because there were over 9000 guests that I wanted stuff from, going to panels, etc.

    This year, hopefully it would not be as hectic and I will be able to catch yall somehow.

  6. Bunch of circle-jerkers

    …I’m totally not jealous or anything…

  7. I will be there on Day 2. If that goes well, I’ll try to mingle at zzeroparticle’s panel. If not, I’ll be sitting in the back by my lonesome unsociable self.

    Also dinner at the Day 2 meetup would be great. I’m not going to eat before then, and I really don’t want to eat after 8:30. But then again, I’m not on a tight schedule because non-Halcali concerts aren’t my thing.

  8. Three meet-ups? A MOST EXCELLENT IDEA!

    As for meeting places, L.A. Live is a short 1-2 block walk – maybe someplace there (a restaurant, an open space like Nokia Plaza – ?)?

    And karaoke at the Westin sounds great!

    • Hm, I’ll look a bit more into the L.A. Live area when I have some more free time.

      • The Nokia Plaza is a great open space in front of the Nokia Theater (and it would be free). The cosplayers hang out there and it’s a fun atmosphere.
        The Dead Starbucks in West Hall would also work nicely. (And who knows – maybe this year it’ll actually be open for business!)

  9. Day 2 sounds great for me. I can’t make any promises for Day 3’s as there may be other things I want to see, but Day 2 sounds perfect. It’ll be great to meet some other bloggers in person.

  10. […] like to meet said bloggers). He’s actually organizing three meetups (more info on his blog here) and I plan on going to at least two – this one and/or the one on Day 3. If you’re at […]

  11. I’ll be around for all the days. Gotta see what the other guy’s schedules are but I’ll try to make as much as I can. Bloggers unite!

  12. FYI, I believe the last junket ends at 6 PM, actually, on Day 0.

  13. […] that I talk with online if they are attending as well as all the bloggers in Shinmaru’s blogger meet-up on Day 2. Other than that, here’s the route I’ll be […]

  14. […] that I talk with online if they are attending as well as all the bloggers in Shinmaru’s blogger meet-up on Day 2. Other than that, here’s the route I’ll be […]

  15. I’m technically available for all 3 of those. I definitely want to do something on Day 0, and it looks like I have nothing planned for that gap in Day 2 (plus I’ll need food). I really want to check out zzero’s panel but I also want to meet the Dischan group and the events kinda overlap so I might be late. Not sure how that’s going to work out yet.

  16. mystlord Says:

    I’ll be available for all 3 meetups I believe. Thankfully (or unfortunately?) the schedule this year is relatively sparse is legitimately interesting things.

  17. Sounds great, Shinmaru! I’ll be there for the Day 2 and Day 3 meetups! Also come visit our room if you have time. Canon, eternal, and I will be playing mahjong for beds xD

  18. […] and hang out until the Kalafina concert at 5:00PM. After the concert (~6:30PM), I’ll be at Shinmaru’s Blogger Meetup, wherever they decide to have it. There, I hope to meet more cool anime bloggers, be super […]

  19. […] because most of my time has been spent putting my upcoming presentation together for Anime Expo. Everyone else who I plan to meet up with has already made mention of my panel; I seem to be the only one who […]

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