Bakuman 2 – Sexism Is the Key to Your Dreams!

lolwut (Yeah, I am way late to the party on this. That’s what I get for watching anime rather than reading manga.)

But, hey, I guess invisible fathers have earned the right to make rulings on things like this — that’s the kind of authority you get when you’re never around and don’t have real interactions with your kid. Why waste time with dumb shit like that when you can delegate to the little lady? That’s how men get things done. Respect.

Reading about some of the stuff in Bakuman, I can’t help but want to give the author the benefit of the doubt since the sexism seems just so absurd (and, really, probably not out of place given the subject matter). But you can never be too sure about these things; just when you think people can’t get any dumber, they always find a way to lower the bar. It could be deconstructing prevalent attitudes in the society/industry . . . or it could just be another example of them. Hell if I know.

I don’t think JC Staff really knows, either, since — if gg’s subtitles are more or less accurate, of course, and I’m assuming they are — it seems as if they tone down the scene where Takagi explains Azuki’s appeal and rips apart Iwase. Here, he kind of idealizes Azuki but kind of describes her as normal, too, whereas he chastises Iwase for just being book smart and nothing else. (Which is more anti-intellectual than sexist, I guess, haha.) But — again, benefit of the doubt here — it’s probably easy to forget that Takagi is in middle school and, thus, a dumbass, no matter how smart he is. How many non-dumbasses did you know in middle school, especially of the male persuasion? We’re fucking idiots.

By the way, I include myself in this: I was a major dumbass in middle school. Most of my friends were dumbasses, too, and these were honors students.

Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if any of the schools I went to kept tangible grade rankings that the students had easy access to at any time. Never really saw anyone engaging in intense competition over grades, myself . . . but, then again, I was a dumbass and a slacker, so all that kind of passed over my head. Also, I never went to any schools that were, shall we say, academic powerhouses. Getting people graduated and going to college was a pretty big victory around here, though the schools aren’t quite as dire as that makes them sound.

Anyway, Iwase is just competitive to me. Nothing really wrong with that unless she’s spiking Takagi’s drinks on the side or something. If Kare Kano teaches you anything, it’s that fiery, competitive girls are the best. Throw that whack shit out the window, Takagi.

Kind of lol’d at the passing of the key ceremony too. Have they been paying rent on the uncle’s apartment the entire time? That has to have added up to a hefty sum over time. Clearly, Practical Mom had no say in that decision.

17 Responses to “Bakuman 2 – Sexism Is the Key to Your Dreams!”

  1. Honestly, Japan (and East Asians) in general does sometimes think that way, so I don’t think it’s the mangaka being too absurd, just sexist in conservative nature— >.>

    lol dumbass middle-school honor students, oh memories. Well booksmarts have nothing to do with maturity so that’s not surprising.

    mmmh, Yukinon spiking Arima’s drink… wouldn’t put it past her XD

    • “Honestly, Japan (and East Asians) in general does sometimes think that way, so I don’t think it’s the mangaka being too absurd, just sexist in conservative nature— >.>”

      Haha, I didn’t want to make that suggestion, because, really, I just watch anime and am in no way a cultural expert, or anything.

      “lol dumbass middle-school honor students, oh memories. Well booksmarts have nothing to do with maturity so that’s not surprising.”

      Pretty much! It took me until around my junior year of high school to stop being a dumbass . . . and, really, I still look back at myself at that age and shake my head. Then again, in 10 years I’ll probably look at myself right now and shake my head, haha.

  2. Ah, being dumb teenagers. That’s what I like most about this series so far. Although I don’t think that’s what the creator was going for with the whole sexist thing…

    • I honestly can’t make a judgment on it so far, which is probably for the best since it’s like just two episodes in right now.

  3. I just brush the sexism off as ‘dumb things men say’ – its a shounen series dealing with teenage boys (to start with), you expect a certain about of male bias.

  4. Have they been paying rent on the uncle’s apartment the entire time?

    lol, the practical me was thinking the same thing. I sure hope they own that apartment.

  5. My first reaction was to think it was a terrible translation error. I mean, no way in modern society can anyone pass off that sort of gendered thinking with a straight face, right? This isn’t Mad Men, right? But then again the dad doesn’t even need to appear on screen to control the household, so what do I know.

    Funny, I was lower-middle of my loosely ranked class in middle school, and almost all the best students were girls. In high school I flipped some metaphorical switch and graduated solo valedictorian, but plenty of the other top ranked students were still girls. I never thought any lesser of women for being smart, and I can’t stand doormat-type girls, so my values and that of conservative-Japan-through-anime never really jived.

    • A lot of the higher-ranked students at my schools were girls, including like the top five of my high school class. (I don’t remember my specific ranking, but it was somewhere in the 20s. Studious enough to be smart, but tempered with a laziness that kept me out of that upper echelon, haha.) Most of them were the type who didn’t dedicate their lives to school, either, so it’s not like they were all books and nothin’ else going on for ’em. I’ve always been surrounded by cool gals my whole life.

      Plus, if I ever thought this way about women, my mom and sister would both kill me. :p

  6. karry Says:

    “I mean, no way in modern society can anyone pass off that sort of gendered thinking with a straight face”

    Thats simply because those of you in “modern” society are either cowards that cant say what they’re thinking (i.e. PC), or liars.
    Honestly, will anyone dare to actually claim that men are not the driving force of civilization ? That men are different from women ? You USians and your silly fixation on sexism…

  7. Bakuman is just realistic. That’s why people seem to be caught up with the issue of sexism.

    I posted my thoughts about this. You can read it at:

    It’s a “slice-of-life” series. Plus, these are the creators of Death Note & Hikaru No Go. Their portrayals of women haven’t been all that great.

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