Finalizing Anime Expo 2011 Plans

We’re getting down to the wire here, so I should probably set everything in stone with a decent amount of time left before the con so that everyone knows what’s going on.

Meetups! I threw around the idea of a Day 0 meetup, but I didn’t really give a specific time or place. As it turns out, another Day 0 meetup is being planned, and it seems as if a decent amount of people will be there, so why not piggyback that? All the details are on the page I linked — just be sure to RSVP, and if you’re not familiar with the organizer, Alex Leavitt, then just shoot him a quick introductory email as I did!

My plans for the Day 2 and Day 3 meetups are still the same. On Day 2, we’ll meet in the West Hall Lobby by the Starbucks (the general area is helpfully circled here) at around 6:30 p.m. We’ll probably hang around there for about 10-20 minutes so that stragglers from the Kalafina concert have time to get there. I believe the entrance to the West Hall is pretty close to the Nokia Theatre, though, so it shouldn’t be too bad to get from there to the West Hall. Not sure where we’ll go from there, but we found a place to eat last year, and we’ll find a place to eat this year, as well. I’m not planning on going to Mikunopolis, and I believe at least a couple of others are not planning to, either, so we can keep hanging out when the folks attending that need to head off.

Day 3 meetup will start at zzeroparticle’s Yuki Kajiura panel at 10:30 a.m. in LACC 515A (I believe it’s on the second floor of the West Hall). I’ll probably be there a bit early since I’m helping record the panel. Be sure to say hello! Where we’ll go after the panel is anyone’s guess (as you can see, I’m not an especially great planner).

And I suppose I’ll post about a few of the panels I may go to, just in case anyone else is attending any of the same ones . . .

Day 1

12:15-2:15 p.m.: NIS America panel + Miyuki Sawashiro panel — I’m far more interested in the latter than the form, but I suspect you’ll need to attend the former to get a decent seat for the latter.

7-8:30 p.m.: Nirgilis concert — If I can get a ticket, of course. This could be sold out right now, and I probably wouldn’t know it, haha.

10:15 p.m.-midnight: Lupin III: The Dragon of Doom viewing — Depending on if I feel like braving a late night walk back to the Westin, since the shuttles from the convention to the hotel stop running at 9 p.m. Downtown L.A. has become a lot safer than it was before, but still . . .

Day 2

9-10 a.m.: Production I.G panel — I’m an early riser, so I might hit up this panel for the hell of it.

10:30-11:30 a.m.: A Survey of Anime Opening and Ending Themes — Sounds interesting enough to me!

Noon-1 p.m.: Toshiyuki Morikawa panel — A big maybe. Might feel like roaming the dealer’s hall at this time.

9:15-10:15 p.m.: Mega 64 panel — Again, if I feel like braving a late night walk back to the hotel.

Day 3

1:30-2:30 p.m.: ANNCast Live! — Whatever one thinks of Anime News Network, the ANNCast is generally a decent show, and I’d like to make up for missing the live recording last year.

6-7:30 p.m.: Right Stuf Presents Revolutionary Girl Utena — I can’t resist.

8:30-10:30 p.m.: Wings of Honneamise — Never seen it before, must watch.

Any other time not covered here is generally wide open for me. If you see me, give me a shout! (I’m a Mexican man who will be dressed in regular clothes, so perhaps I will be easy to spot among the crowd. :p)

5 Responses to “Finalizing Anime Expo 2011 Plans”

  1. Alex and Ashley are p. chill. Don’t be shy if you can make that dinner time!

    I’ll swing by after Kalafina if possible, at least for a cup of coffee.

  2. Awesome, I shall be there on the Day 2 and/or Day 3 meetups. Can’t believe it’s just a few days away!

  3. Will be at the Day 3 meetup for sure. Looking forward to it!

  4. […] aniclub could improve.  By that time (3:30 pm), I would go around with my friends until the aniblogger meetup at […]

  5. […] aniclub could improve.  By that time (3:30 pm), I would go around with my friends until the aniblogger meetup at […]

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