God’s Dolls 11 – And So Ends Another Episode of Wasting Time with God’s Dolls

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

Two writers walk into a bar. They sit down and order some drinks. One writer says, “Man, we’re so close to the finale! There are so many plot threads to tie up — we haven’t even touched the evil village elders since a few episodes ago. I’m not even sure what the point of this story is anymore! How are we going to deliver a satisfying conclusion to the few people left who are actually watching this show unironically?”

The other writer sits down, takes a sip of his drink and puts the glass down. Then he says, “Why worry about that shit when we’ve got TITTIES?!”

8 Responses to “God’s Dolls 11 – And So Ends Another Episode of Wasting Time with God’s Dolls”

  1. ahahahah, hilarious!
    Anyway yes, we’re only few watching this series nowadays, but well…:P

  2. Marow Says:

    I don’t trust people anymore.

    They said Deadman Wonderland was going to be awesome.
    It sucked.

    They said Kamisama Dolls was going to be awesome.
    It sucks.

    They say Mirai Nikki is going to be awesome.
    It ???

    I seriously hope Mirai Nikki isn’t bad, because hey, it has an interesting plot. On the other hand, that’s what I also thought about Deadman Wonderland before I watched it…

  3. Myssa Says:

    The Chapters these are leading to (40-42) should be a good place to stop (as the adaptation is leading there anyway), and drop a cliffhanger as well. The over-reaching problem with the village system won’t be solved, but the more personal issues regarding Kyouhei, Mahiru, and the Seki in Tokyo will, so that’s something I suppose.

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